
Sunday, December 04, 2005

Some good news to share

This November was a happy month for me. Some good news to share!

First, Jenny from my gang 61 got married! She held her wedding at Holiday Inn Park View. The whole ballroom decor has an old English feel. And they have the funniest first course presentation I've ever seen. The wait staff came in pairs, gal would hook her hand around the guy's arm and each holding the dish on the other hand. The last pair of wait staff was the best-looking of the lot. Just when we thought the presentation was over, the door was closed once again and the song "Macarena" came on, door opened and a chef with a bulging tummy danced into the ballroom! He went around the tables and poked his tummy at the guests. It was hilarious! And it's not the end yet, the chef later went on the stage and together with the best-looking pair of wait staff, started doing the macarena dance, while holding the dish. Oh man, I laugh so hard, I almost fell off my chair. Kudos to the guy who choreographed the presentation. And the couple look so beautiful together. When they walk down the aisle, I feel so touched, I almost tear. Congrats to you once again, Jenny & Chou Nen!

At Jenny's wedding

I enrolled Tara in the
Best Photogenic Baby Contest (Held by Parent Pick magazine) and she got a consolation! Angela, Sis, Shermaine and Javier went to support her. It's the first time she won a contest! So happy.

Tara was sleeping when I went on stage to receive the prize

The picture that got her the consolation prize

Prize hamper and a nice trophy

And lastly, end of November means December is coming! My favorite month! The month where Christmas songs, Christmas presents, Christmas Tree and Christmas feast always make me so, so happy! I bought a new Christmas album too, but it's erm, too oldies for my liking. Must get another one. I've already bought 3 gifts for Tara and 1 for Bob, gonna get a couple more for Bob too. Sad, none of the presents under the Christmas Tree belong to me. Anyway, I've also set up the tree and bought a new round round decor which I hang on my front door. So Christmasy! I'm gonna get a few stockings to hang in the house too. The gang will be celebrating Christmas at my place this year.

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