
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Tagged Again - Weird and Random Facts

Was tagged by Eileen sometime back. Hey gal, sorry that I can only do this now. Busy lah..

Rules of the game:
Post 5 Weird and Random Facts about you, then at the end list the names of 5 people who are next in line to do this:

1. I hate mangoes; the smell reminds me of a wet rag, left in a dark corner of a cupboard for days. Yucks!

2. I must read something when I do my “business”, something, anything! Even town council newsletter is better than nothing.

3. I can yak non-stop with friends and acquaintances but go tongue-tied in front of crowds of strangers. Presentations freak me out!

4. For the benefit of those who always like to judge me, yes, I can cook and yes, I can do sewing, knitting and embroidery, thank you.

5. I can watch the most horror shows without batting an eyelid but go all shaking and shivering when it comes to “Crime Watch”. Funny? You tell me.

I won’t be tagging anyone because the last time I did, both ignored it. And both are the only 2 friends I can tag.

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