I had wanted to close down this blog so that I don't feel the burden of responsibilities if I don't update. But then again, there's so much in this blog that I couldn't bear to delete away. So much of the past 4-5 years of my life.
So, after a hiatus of a few months, I shall dedicate this entry to Tara, my precious little girl.
Tara will be 5 years old in 5 months time, so now, technically speaking, she's still 4 and a half, although she will vehemently protest when I said that and push her five tiny fingers into my face and exclaimed loudly, "NO! I'm 5!!"
I looked through her younger photos and was amazed by the difference in her looks from a year ago, and a year before that. Even a year ago, she still have that babyish look. But one year on, she suddenly became a little miss (to me, that's very sudden).
I know she's a little girl through and through because:
1) She only likes wearing dresses and skirts, even to places where we have rough play. I don't want her undies to show, but she couldn't care much. No pretty dresses, no chance we can step out of the house.
2) I wear lip gloss, she wants it too. So I bought her something close to a lip gloss. Lip balm. And she will use it EVERYDAY before we drop her off at school. If I accidentally cleaned it off with tissue while I'm wiping off her snot. She will scream. No joke.
3) I wear nail polishes, she wears clear varnishes. I really don't want her to go to school with pink nails. But somehow, I have to give in to her whiny cries.
4) PINK, PINK, PINK. She's overloaded with pink stuff. Pink water bottles, pink school bags, pink EZlink card holder, pink Crocs, pink PJs. Okay, I may love pink myself. But then, this girl was way overkill with her top to toe pink stuff.
5) Cannot cut her hair short, no matter how messy it is, because she wants to tie a cute ponytail when she goes to school everyday.
6) Finally, her whiny voice when she wants something. It's the kind of voice that irritates you to hell if you are not in a good mood. Or melts your heart to molten when you are in a happier mood. "MUMmmmmmmmyyyyy~~~~", plus her big doe eyes. And she gets her way sometimes. Or most times I guess.
Because of school and her grandparents, she's effectively bilingual now. She has no problems speaking in mandarin and english. Now, she speaks either mandarin OR english and makes us all do the same. If you don't, she will go "Mummy, if you want to speak English, you speak English, if you want to speak Chinese, you speak Chinese. Don't speak both together okay?" Well, that was what I told her some time back, and she remembers. But darling, Mummy got problems translating some Chinese to English, mah.
No singlish allowed too. No lar-s, no lor-s. If not, "I will send you to 'lor' island, if you say lor again", she says.
Up until now, she attends a single enrichment class a week. Phonics at Zoophonics. She's been attending this class for the past 1 year. Done with all the single letter sounds and moving on to blending. But Daddy wants to switch her to "I Can Read" so now I'm checking which branch has a better environment. She used to attend Speech and Drama and Lorna Whiston but we pulled her out after a few months, reason? Don't really like it.
I wanted to enrol her in one more class, but something that she really interested in. She loves dancing to fast beat music, art and craft and going to swimming complexes. So I guess it's either hip hop, craft or swimming classes. Yet to decide because I didn't want to tire her out. But she told me she wants to learn everything. Whoa. Even got the money must also have the time right?
Her favourite food. Mostly carbos. Noodles, dumplings, buns, bread. Love fruits too, especially strawberries. For a while, she steered away from green veges because her friends doing the same. Peer pressure, I guess. Then one day, she woke up from her evening nap while we having zi char outside and with a chop stick, finished up like 10 pcs of Kai Lan in top speed. So now, she's taking more vege. And only the green ones.
I'm more relaxed on her junk food intake already. But then, I still try not to give as much, if I can help it.
Okay, enough of updates. Now, a photo of her, taken just days ago.
![IMG_0193 IMG_0193](http://butterfliesarepink.wordpress.com/files/2009/06/img_0193.jpg?w=225)