MIL would spend time changing the soil, trimming the dead leaves and re-potting them. Of course, this got the little one interested. She would insist on watering the plants every morning, and helping out in whatever way she can.
The other day, Tara was trying to water the plants again, then I thought, maybe, I can get her some potted plants to instill some responsibilities on. So I told her I will get her 2 potted plants the next time we go Ikea. Tara was ecstatic, no doubt. And I told her, the plants will be under her care and she must water them everyday.
The other day, we had to get some stuff from Ikea and we didn't forget to let Tara choose her plants. Both Bob and I thought she would choose flower pots but she just went ahead and chose the leafy ones.
It took her quite a while to decide on the final two.
She even chose a spray bottle for watering the plants.
Bob got her a shoe rack to place the pots and once we reached home, the little girl got me to fix up the rack. Daddy helped to transfer the plants into the pots and Tara happily filled up the spray bottle and went about watering her prized pots.
And I'm relieved to say that the interest hasn't waned. She's still tending to her pots every morning before school. The other day, while shopping at Daiso, I came across these pretty windmills at the gardening section and bought her 2.
I also bought a mini shovel.
Now, I'm wondering how long the pots will last.