
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Just some updates on Tara

Yesterday, I was looking through my blog archives looking for one particular entry I've written last March. As I read through the old entries, I realised that I constantly write updates on Tara in the past. Unlike recently. So now, I will do a point entry of Tara's latest updates!

- Tara has gotten used to school initially, and on the day of her Daddy's birthday, she happily walked into her classroom without crying and whining. I told Bob maybe she knew it was his birthday, so she decided to behave. This went on for only 2 days only. After that, she fell sick and had to stay at home for a week plus. 2 days ago, she went back to school and reverted back to the whiny little baby. Gotta start all over again.

- Since 8 Jan, the day Tara starts school, she has fell sick 3 times. And for the month of Feb, she only attended school a couple of days. We even had to send Tara to NUH A&E cos her temperature shot up to 40.2! She wasn't admitted cos the doctor said she was still active. In her medical report, it was written that she was "active, singing and dancing".

- Little girl is fully toilet trained. Diaperless in the day starts from last September, and she stopped wearing diapers in the night a couple of weeks ago. Now I wonder what do I do with the leftover diapers? She has a little potty in the toilet and she always go there to pee and crap, by herself, or making us follow her. But she pretty much independent on this aspect. She even learnt to use toilet paper to clean herself, empty her urine into the toilet bowl, attempted to flush the toilet and also wash her own hands after using the toilet.

- Tara knows how to speak in short sentences. She's a full Mandarin convert now. We used to speak to her in English but from day 1 she started speaking her first words, it's more Mandarin than English, so I and Bob decided we will speak to her Mandarin and let her learn English in school. During the "transition" period, she will speak a mix of both, for example, "I 要吃面".

- She used to call herself "娃娃", now it becomes "Kara". Hope it will be "Tara" soon.

- Tara's starting to behave better, unlike the little monster months ago. And since she entered child care, she has grown really attached to me.

- I'm very strict with what she eats, and she has learnt that whatever she wants to eat, she has to ask me first. But there are still times when she will be offered some snacks there and then, and she will go into a major fit when I tried to take it away from her. No, don't tell me kids have to snack once in a while, and sweets are made for kids, and it's cruel not to let them snack, I don't believe in that. It's just a whole load of crap. She will get to taste all these food in future, so I'm keeping her healthy for now. But if she decides she hate all these junk, all the better. I'm glad Bob is standing on my side.

That's basically all for now.

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