
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Little Miss Helpful & Little Miss Good Habit

We are teaching Tara to help us in our daily chores. Toddlers at this age are extremely helpful. So we decided to take advantage cultivate this good streak in her.

I would tell her to put her dirty clothes and hankies into the laundry pail. She would now do it without me asking, whenever I took off her clothes during shower time.

She would help to pick out the laundry for us to hang or take the clothes pegs for us to use.

Whenever I'm done using a bowl or plate, I would get her to bring it to the kitchen, of course with me following closely behind her. When we reached the kitchen, she would pass the item to me for washing. I got her to do the same thing when she had finished using her own bowl, she would do without a fuss. She used to scream and struggle whenever I tried to take her bowl away from her. Things are definitely more cordial now.

She would help us close or open doors. She even helped Bob take his socks and shoes. After we've changed her diaper, we would get her to throw it into the rubbish bag.

There's nothing she won't do, all we got to do is to ask her nicely. And of course, praising and thanking her when she's done something.

And we are also cultivating good habits. Everytime she stepped into the house, she would sit down and take off her own shoes, placed it onto the floor mat, and walked to the bathroom to wash her hands and feet.

This morning, she dropped the bread morsels on the floor and she picked them all up.

She knows that during mealtimes, she must sit in her highchair and she would do it without fuss.

Everytime she finished eating, we would get her to wipe her mouth and hands. The way she wiped her hands is so funny, she would turn and twist her hands, as if she's washing it.

The only good habit I haven't really kept up with is the brushing teeth twice a day routine, she knows how to hold her toothbrush and brush her teeth. But I'm always in a rush every morning to get her to do her brushing or super lazy and tired in the night to follow up. Quite bad, especially now she has more than 7 teeth and taking regular food, she definitely needs to brush her teeth. Yeah, I know, I must remember to get her to brush her teeth everyday!!

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