
Monday, January 23, 2006


I'm very troubled, the big job finally got complaints and client asking for settlement. Well, I'll just leave it to my boss on what he wants to do, no matter what, I'm just an employee. I can't elaborate further, the only thing I can say is, I'M SO STRESSED! *urggghh*

And last week, I bought a pair of shoes for Tara on Yahoo Auction. It's stated brand new and in the size I wanted. But when I received the item, I found the shoes to be a little dirty, as if the shoes were left on some shelves for a while. I emailed the seller and he replied that he shoes are totally new which I can see from the soles. He's right, the soles are clean. But if you put brand new, it means it's totally brand, sparkling new right? Like I said, it looks quite dirty, which is the first thing I can't accept. And the second thing, the shoes are in size 5, but on the auction, it's stated size 3. I've got to return the shoes. No doubt I really love the pair of shoes, I can't accept that the seller did not even indicate the description properly. I felt cheated. I've just emailed him that he has to refund me the money, and I will send the shoes back to him. Postage will be paid by him, which I feel it's the right thing to do. If he will refund me, I will not leave any rating. Let's see what he says.

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