
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Controversy of MMR Jab

To jab or not to jab?

That's a question that many parents are asking themselves when their child is due for the MMR jab. Yeah, I've asked myself this question too.

I didn't know about the risk of the MMR jab until someone pointed it out to me. I'm not a very updated person, when it comes to issues like this. MMR jab will cause autism, I heard.

My child will be due for her MMR jab in a month's time. And I thought I should find out more information on this controversy.

How did this fear came about? Apparently, a report on a medical journal in 1998 indicated a link between the MMR vaccine with autism and bowel disease. Since then, an increasing number of parents have decide against the vaccine for their child. Some others thought it's better to have it later.

Even though that the claim is not scientically proven. Even though the Singapore government have time and time again said that vaccines in Singapore are safe. Even though statistics have shown that the risk of getting damage (severe allergic reactions or brain damage) due to the vaccine is 1 in a million. There are still parents who prefer to believe the 1998 report. Yeah, it takes a small ripple to cause a wave.

Some facts. After the 1998 report, parents in some European countries did not vaccinate their child and thus, causing a measles outbreak. In 1984, a year before the MMR vaccine was made compulsory, there's also an outbreak in Singapore. 2,000 children infected, resulting in 400 suffered from brain damage and leaving 7 dead.

There's something called herd immunity. A new word I learnt today. The government ensure that the immunisation rate is above 95%, in order to keep outbreaks at bay. The 95% will so call "protect" the 5% who did not get vaccinated, thus have this herd immunity effect.

The risk of not getting the MMR vaccine? Risk of death if the child does get measles is 3 in a thousand. If the child stays in Singapore, he might be safe. Might be, cos travellers to Singapore might be carrying the virus too, and unknowingly infect the child. But if the child travels, risk of exposure to viruses is higher, needless to say. And what happen if the child get measles? Mental retardation, celebral palsy and even death.

Things to note. A child will need to produce vaccination records before they are allowed to be enrolled into primary school. Some parents chose to delay the vaccination till the child is 6 because of this. And if you still refuse to vaccinate your child against measles? Then get prepared to receive a fine of up to $10,000 or jail up to 6 months, under The Infectious Diseases Act. Remember we are named The "Fine" City?

So after all these information I've found, do I want my child to be vaccinated? Obviously I do! Vaccinations are meant to protect the child and as a parent, I do want to protect my little one. Besides, the benefits of getting the vaccine far outweigh the risks.

For those parents who are still considering. It's up to you, cos the child is yours.

You decide.

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