
Friday, March 17, 2006

Tara's Milestone @ 16 months

The little girl is becoming such a pesky little kid. She has to have everything her way, if not, she will kick up the biggest fuss, until we finally give in. I've told Bob not to let her win everytime, but when we are outside, we just had to let her have her way. It's way better than letting her scream, shout and kick violently. But at home, it's a different scenario, she will be punished if she's naughty and we'll leave her screaming until she's tired.

She's also becoming quite a selfish little person. It's "me and mine" only. The other day, I was feeding her snacks, and decided to pinch a little piece of biscuit. She saw me putting the biscuit into my mouth and started screaming away! What!?! Me, the mother and the person who bought the biscuit, can't even try one!?!! I really don't know what can I do to teach the kid to share. I ever read that it's too young to teach sharing, but I can't stand this kind of behaviour. Mum also told me the same thing, no one can share HER food. And she loves to feed herself, and she MUST hold the food in her hand. Lucky thing is she knows how to nibble the food rather than chomp away, hence we just leave her alone.

She's also quite funny at times. She would take something which she's not suppose to, and when she saw me walking towards her and giving her a reproved look, she would immediately threw the object on the floor and scurried away! It was so funny that sometimes, I will forget to reprimand her!

The little girl is starting to do a lot of mimicking and always bring amused laughter to people who saw her cute actions. A cheery and friendly little girl, she would go around smiling at everyone and would wave goodbye even when we didn't ask her to.

She does not have any new vocabulary recently, but she would repeat words we said when she's in a good mood. So far, I've heard "diaper", "patrick", "tara", "yes", "no", "shower". I simply love it when she repeat "f" after me, she would go "eh..f..f..f".

When my FIL stayed over, Tara would get her daily stroll at the small park down our block. And I think it's from there that she learnt the word "mao" (cat in chinese). But almost every animal we saw, be it birds or dogs or cats, she would go "mer.. mer". She meant to say "mao" but it didn't come out right and most times, pointing at the wrong animal.

Nowadays, she would do heartwarming and lovely gestures. She would walked over to me and hug me, or my leg (when I'm standing). So sweet!!

I think one day when she grows up, I will miss this stage of her growth tremendously. Though pesky, but very entertaining and funny. Haiz... And at times like this, I would have the urge to start Project B II.

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