
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

What a bi-a-tch...

Months back, I was invited to a dinner at my friend's place. It's only when I reached that I realized I'm the only friend she invited. The rest are all her colleagues and husband's relatives. And the other friend wasn't in town then.

Both of us were sitting in the hall chatting, when her SIL asked her something.

SIL: Do you know your son goes around biting people?
MF (My friend): Really? Oh, I'm sorry. (She's genuinely sorry)
SIL: *shakes her head, gave a disgusted look and said loudly* Darling (her own daughter), you don't anyhow bite people one hor? You never bite auntie (SIL's maid) one right?
SIL's maid: Nooooo! Darling don't bite.
SIL: *smugly* Oh! Good girl!!!!

Oh... a total bi-a-tch..... I mean, it's wrong for kids to go around biting people and it's okay to point it out and tell the parents etc. My friend was genuinely sorry that her son was doing that and she apologized. I don't think it's necessary for the SIL to praise her own daughter so smugly and loudly, indirectly belittling my friend's son. What is she trying to prove? That she has a really well-behaved girl? That she knows how to teach her kid? That my friend don't know how to discipline her son? I'm truly surprised my friend didn't mind one bit. I don't know if I can be as calm as her if I were in her shoes.

In any case, it's an action that I truly despised. Besides BI-A-TCH, I couldn't find a better word to describe her.

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